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We See Technology Differently.

About 100% Web Hosting

In 2012, Scott Toderash and Brent Toderash together founded 100 Percent Helpdesk Ltd., using their considerable telecom experience to launch 100% Web Hosting in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The company maintains a virtual environment, with staff operating from their own locations as suits them best. In keeping with an expert approach, we do not currently employ entry-level support staff, and are able to respond to informed requests from site developers without front-line gatekeeping that directs inquiries away from senior staff who can provide timely assistance.

100 Percent Web Hosting focuses on a managed-services approach to web hosting. With our depth of expertise in the telecom industry, we are able to own, maintain, and manage our own network hardware, which is co-located in Winnipeg and maintains data residency in Canada.

The company is managed by Scott as president, with strategic direction provided by Brent and Scott together. The company’s growth strategy includes the acquisition of existing blocks of clients from smaller hosts and web development agencies. Among these, the company has acquired X-Lab Interactive and Cohesive Marketing (formerly HEP Communications), along with hosting clients from several other local hosting and website development companies, including Winnipeg’s Creative Studio and Ayoko Design, as well as serving as the preferred web hosting for agencies like The Digital Bureau, the former web department of The Winnipeg Free Press, and Starling Social.

Fully embracing online technology, the company has operated since its founding in a distributed environment, with staff working almost entirely remotely.

If you would like to discuss the sale of your hosting business or web agency, or if you would like to discuss white-label opportunities to have us fully manage your web hosting platform, please contact Scott Toderash directly.

xlab logo - 100% Web Hosting
cohesive marketing logo - 100% Web Hosting
Modern Earth Logo - 100% Web Hosting

100% Web Hosting Acquisition Timeline

Our acquisition and organic growth strategies have made us Manitoba’s largest independent web host. Our senior technicians are cPanel-certified and each have decades of hosting experience, enabling us to offer Canadian-based hosting on our own hardware without reselling third-party hosting solutions.

100% Prehistory

Since 2000, Scott Toderash and Brent Toderash have been working together as entrepreneurs in the technology sector, with specialties in software development, technical architecture, and all aspects of telecommunications. Throughout their careers, they have been based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Prior to founding 100 Percent Helpdesk, they founded and built a company engaged in client/server software development for enterprise clients like Cancer Care Manitoba, the Provincial Government, and many others. They were a subcontractor of choice for Sybase Inc. and remain highly regarded by executives at the highest levels of the local IT community, where friendships remain to the present.

Starting as a dial-up internet provider and website host, the company built a significant telecommunications operation, with hosting services including high-availability requirements on dedicated servers for a number of clients. Moving into wireless communications, they expanded into the provision of broadband internet, eventually building a network including licensed-spectrum carrier-grade equipment that extended well into rural Manitoba to cover more than 10,000 km2.

Their broadband ISP endeavour was not only the subject of a number of local media reports and a special report for CBC Radio One, but also the subject of a case study for Industry Canada on the successful deployment of rural broadband networks. The company leveraged its experience and growth to become a provider to other smaller ISPs for internet gateway services, core network routing, and network design and build services. Drawing on its depth and breadth of experience, the company developed its own in-house software system for integrated service provisioning, monitoring, helpdesk ticketing, billing, and CRM with GPS coordinates for geolocation and distance calculations.

100% Web Hosting Built on Experience

All of this experience was brought to 100% Web Hosting from the outset, so Scott and Brent have now been providing web hosting services for more than two decades. That’s a long time in “internet years”. In keeping with our commitment to a depth of expertise, the company has consistently brought on staff who can maintain the same standard, even though the founders maintain a hands-on approach to daily operations.